Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 2

Lindsey: Today started with a breakfast of fresh squeezed raspberry juice, toast & hot chocolate. Our first meal shows great promise! We had a quick team meeting to discuss the game plan, then loaded into a few buses and headed up to La Hoya clinic, where the doctors, dentists and eye clinic would be located. It was great to see the clinic and get organized. The only real contribution we had to make while everyone got familiar with their new setting was pumping up a few soccer balls for the kids...it's a lot harder that you think! Besides that, we just "held down the fort" by wandering the area. At 1pm, we all headed back to the hotel and had an amazing lunch of popcorn...yes, popcorn, soup, fresh squeezed fruit juice, rice & chicken. Then desert. This was a typical lunch & dinner set up and the same items remained over the whole 2 weeks, just varying the flavors of the soup and juice, and the type of meat and desert. It was so delicious! After lunch we went back to the clinic for a bit then headed out to our construction site to see where we were going to be working. We were going to be working on a day care center called Las Abejitos and an elementary school called Deloris Del (something) it was named after a woman who died and donated her land to the school. We just scoped out the site and when it started to rain, we headed out to Cotacachi which is a local community that specialized in leather goods. After a little shopping, we headed back to the hotel for another amazing meal and then played card games with some friends. I won :) woo woo! Went to bed at 9:30pm to gear up for the first long work day of the trip!

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