Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 5

Ellie: Today was the day of screaming children - Lindsey and I, along with some friends, decided to take a break from the rock moving and go with the nurses to give Hepatitis B immunizations to little Ecuadorian children. We went to three different pre-schools and we got to make the children happy after they received their shot by giving them a sucker and a beanie baby. The kids were SO cute! And what was interesting was that the girls were brave and didn't cry as much while the boys bawled their eyes out! Lindsey: At one of the schools, there was a darling little girl that just wouldn't let go of me! She was so cute, and clingy! Too bad I can't stow away a child on the way home...they are too precious here!
After a day of work we got to go to the wood market in the Plaza of San Antonio de Ibarra, where there are a myriad of stores with any wood carving you can imagine. We found some great gifts and saw some 'interesting' wood carvings that could bring up some awkward conversations if hanging in your living room. We also got the once in a lifetime experience of sliding down a giant hummingbird slide - who doesn't want to do that someday? The evening was, to say the least eventful. We all went to "Beto's Disco" and had our first international karaoke experience. There wasn't a single Ecuadorian in the place and so it was about 25 Americans rockin' out to some good old fashioned American music. We picked about 20 songs and sang and danced the night away. There was a little salsa, a little karaoke by an American Idol contestant and lots of laughs. Greg stole the show with his performance of "Two Hearts" and his constant hip shakin!

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